Sibster Walk

Two accessible trails through young broadleaf woodland and wildflower meadows, with open views across the Caithness landscape.

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  • 1.2km round trip for Rowan Trail, + further 1.8km round trip for Bee Trail.


  • Car park available at start of walk.


  • Fitness Level 1: Very Easy
  • Wheelchair Accessible
  • Pram Accessible

Additional Information

This walk forms part of the Caithness Bumblebee Trail, and is an opportunity to see the elusive and rare Great Yellow Bumblebee. In 2010, Forestry Commission Scotland planted 350,000 oak, birch, beech, alder, and rowan trees on this 213-hectare old farm site.

Sibster Walk is around 6 miles from Thurso, located beside the A9. Ample parking is available at the start of the walk, and there is a dog exercise area and a picnic area.

The walk consists of two loops: the Rowan Trail is ¾ mile long, while the Bee Trail is a further 1.1-mile loop. Both paths are hard gravel with some inclines and ramps, but a largely shallow gradient. The path welcomes walkers, cyclists, runners, horse riders, and dog walkers, and is accessible to most buggies and wheelchairs. There are plenty picnic stops, a small waterfall, and a railway bridge overhead.

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Sadly, the distribution of the Great Yellow Bumblebee has declined by 80% in the last century, making it one of the UK’s rarest bumblebees.

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