Rumster Forest

Managed forestry plantation with various trails.

what3words Location


  • Approx. 4km for the smallest circular path.


  • There is a large gravel car park if you follow the track south off the tarmac road.


  • Fitness Level 2: Easy
  • Off-road prams

Additional Information

The forest has various trails that provide attractive walks and cycle rides in all seasons.

A number of historical and archaeological sites can be found in the area: there are two brochs, one at Golsary and one at Rumster, and the farmstead and mill at Rumster are interesting buildings that are going to ruin. There is an old mill pond which is full of reeds, and you might be lucky enough to see an owl in one of the barns.

You can walk up to the transmitter, the tallest structure in Caithness, and carry on to climb Ben-a-Chielt, though there is no track so you need to be fit!

Bring your own drinks and snacks. If Forse of Nature is open it is possible to walk down the track to it, it is but better to drive around the road.

On the north side of the minor road between Achavanich and Lybster, you can explore Golticlay and walk up to Cnoc Vigas, a peculiar minor hill which has been half-removed by quarrying!

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Rumster's Sitka spruce trees that are typical of mid- to late-20th-century plantations are gradually being harvested and replaced with native species, including deciduous trees, and some ground is being restored to bog by removing artificial drainage channels.

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