Peedie Sands

Peedie Sands is one of Caithness' smaller beaches, but something of a hidden gem.

what3words Location


  • About 0.8km each way from parking.


  • Limited parking near the entrance to the House of the Northern Gate, but more is available at Dwarwick Pier (see links below for locations).


  • Narrow rough paths, possible dangerous falls. Suitable for all ages with care.
  • Not Wheelchair Accessible

Additional Information

Backed by Dunnet Head, Peedie Sands (also known as Peedie Beach) is a sheltered strip of sand that overlooks Dunnet Bay. It can be a destination in itself, or a stop-off on the walk around Dunnet Head.

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

'Peedie' is a local word for 'small' - you will hear it used in other place-names.

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