Loch More

Loch More is a natural freshwater loch formed by the River Thurso. The loch is damned at the north end, with a fish ladder to allow salmon to travel into the loch and migrate upriver to their spawning grounds. The river is reputedly one of the best salmon rivers in Scotland, and is set within the beautiful scenery of the Flow Country. From Loch More, there are several estate tracks suitable for walking or mountain biking.

what3words Location


  • Various


  • Available at end of road, by loch.


  • Moderate difficulty.

Additional Information

The tracks around Loch More are popular with local dog-walkers, and are a favourite place for taking in the beauty of the surrounding moorland and hills in the distance. At the dam, you walk over an old twin arched rubble bridge that was built in 1834 – a good location to take photographs of Loch More and the fishing ponds below the dam. The bridge, loch and River Thurso are also very photogenic and perfect for those with a passion for drawing or painting.

The dam greatly increased the loch’s surface area and the volume of water held in its catchment. This allows the water levels of the bottom fishing beats of the River Thurso to be controlled, by managing the amount of water flowing into the lower section of the river. This allows fish to migrate up the river from the sea at Thurso, even in periods of low rainfall, whilst a full loch results in a longer period when the fishing beats on the river can be productive. The management team responsible for fishing on the river are working to conserve the salmon, with strict limits on the fish that can be retained by anglers.

OS Maps show the remains of St Bridget’s Chapel near the ruins of a crofting township at Achscoraclate; nearby is a so-called holy well.

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Did You Know?

Be aware that adders are found around the lochside and in the heather covered moorland. Under most circumstances adders will keep out of your (and your dog’s) way, but in spring they may be a bit slower and are a possible danger to dogs running around. There are also deer in this area, so you may be waiting for some time if your dog picks up their scent!

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